Hi, I’m Dustin. I started this site out of a passion for writing, sharing knowledge, and all things tech.

I built my first PC in the mid 1990’s during high school, and have been hooked on IT ever since. At that time, PC hardware was evolving rapidly with performance doubling every couple of years, it was a heyday for PC enthusiasts and gamers; the excitement was everywhere.

During the next decade some of that excitement faded as PC hardware development timelines got longer and process node shrinks slowed down. PCs now easily last 5 to ~10 years with the occasional upgrade. But then something magical started happening for cell phones, they got smart. From the Palm Pre (how I wish HP hadn’t killed you off! 😢) then into Android, I found a passion in unlocking bootloaders and flashing custom ROMs. Year after year again brought enormous performance uplifts along with rapidly improving software experiences.

Then as we approached and entered the 2020’s, smartphone development starts to plateau. I no longer drool over each new flagship release and find myself content to use a phone for several years, typically until the battery starts to fade or other hardware issues crop up.

I look back at those times fondly, but wasn’t expecting anything would revive my love and excitement of tech the way the PC and smartphone had. But then: AI entered the chat.

AI, or artificial intelligence, is quite a different beast from those earlier interests, and yet, I see it as being just as transformative to our world as the PC and smartphone of decades past, possibly even more so. And as I started considering the implications of universal access to AI, I realized my desire to create this site to inform, educate, and drive my own understanding of AI forward.

A little bit about me personally; I am a lifelong learner, father of two, and loving husband, who currently works in the data science and analytics field. Before this I spent several years as an instructional designer where I developed writing, design, and adult learning skills. Before that I worked at a few different companies as a PC technician. File photo

Something you won’t find here are tracking, advertisements, or sponsored posts. This site is about sharing my passion of AI and technology with the world. If you are enjoying your time here, please consider ☕buying me a coffee .