Hello and welcome to my brand-new blog, artificially-awesome! I am thrilled to have you join me as we explore the fascinating world of artificial intelligence (AI). My mission is to provide valuable insights and thought-provoking perspectives on AI’s impact on various aspects of our lives including in our homes, classrooms, and work places.

AI is rapidly becoming an integral part of industry and daily life. The cynic in me once thought of AI as only “the next buzz word” every company would try to slap on every product box. But from virtual assistants, advanced robotics, and medical diagnostics to image, story, and code generation; the possibilities now seem endless. At artificially-awesome, I aim to delve deep into these topics while also addressing the ethical concerns and potential risks associated with this rapidly evolving technology, as well as to show you how this technology can be put to use in your daily life.

I believe that AI is transforming our world, and will continue to do so whether we are ready or not. Understanding how to work with AI to extract value, automate tasks, and enhance human capabilities will soon become a requirement on many job applications, in much the same way that typing became an essential skill in the computer age.

Another focus here will be on leveraging AI at home. We’ll compare product offerings from major industry players as well as delve into self-hosting the very opensource projects that many corporate offerings are based upon. From helping with homework, to creating bash scripts, to outlining articles for this blog; I’ll explore putting AI to work and the benefits and pitfalls that may go with it.

As we embark on this journey, I encourage you to join me in exploring the vast potential of artificial intelligence while staying informed about its implications for our society and future generations. Let’s make artificially-awesome a hub where AI enthusiasts can connect, engage, and inspire.

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